1.Questions About Our ExamsHere are some questions and answers related to the exams
No. Just like in the real exam, you must complete it within the allotted 2 hours. This puts the same pressure on you as the real thing!
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Hits: 398marlene
An exam requires multiple pages to be displayed, and you have 2 hours to complete them. Due to circumstances beyond our control, a technical issue at your location, or at our website hosting company, may interrupt the process and cause early termination of your session.
If this should happen to you please use our Contact Us form to report it. Our sole remedy will be to reset the access code so that you can try again. Remember, you will get an entirely new set of questions when this happens. We are unable to give refunds for exams ended prematurely for any reason.
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Hits: 240marlene
You will see a results page indicating your pass/fail status and graphical representations of your results. In addition, all the questions you got wrong will be listed, along with the correct answer and, in many cases, some background information on the right answer.
You can return to the results page by entering you access code for any completed exam.
Here are some screenshots as examples. Click each one for a larger view:
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Hits: 315marlene
There is no requirement to answer all questions, but the more you answer the better chance of a passing grade.
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Hits: 219marlene
If you do not submit your answers with 2 hours, the exam will end, the answers you have submitted will be scored and your exam results displayed.
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Hits: 287marlene
You must visit all pages before the button will display. You do not need to answer all questions, nor do you have to visit the pages in sequence.
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Hits: 187marlene
Yes. We use PayPal as our payment portal and they accept all major credit cards. It is not necessary for you to have a PayPal account to pay by credit card.
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Hits: 197marlene
No. You can use them at any time. But each code can only be used once. After that it can be used to display the exam results.
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Hits: 412marlene
No. The questions on this site are original. They are completely my own and are the result of diligent research and years of experience. None of the questions have been copied from the National Boards or from any other teaching or testing resource. Any resemblance on this site of questions or other text to questions in other sources is purely coincidental.
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Hits: 570marlene
No! These tests come with no guarantees. While I personally feel that using this site would be extremely helpful in getting you to pass your Boards, that doesn’t mean that using my tests will make you pass. You still need to study. And you need to retain what you study. The best course of action for every student would be to make use of every tool available and tailor your study plan to your unique learning needs. I recommend studying from several textbooks, using on line resources and taking numerous practice tests. But success depends on you!
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