by Marlene Giardini | Apr 11, 2015 | ABO/NCLE exam prep, Uncategorized
May is barely a month away. Are you prepared for your NCLE Exam? This is a good summary of what you should know going in to your CLRE test. You need to know your eye anatomy. Parts of Eye Corneal Layers Adnexa Oculi Tear Film You need to know your pathology. Corneal...
by Marlene Giardini | Apr 4, 2015 | ABO test content, ABO/NCLE exam prep, Optician Training
May is just a month away. Are you prepared for your ABO Exam? This is a good summary of what you should know going in to your NOCE test. Preparing for your NOCE Make sure you know your Math! Prentice’s Law Minimum Blank Size Image Jump Slab Off Focal Length...
by Marlene Giardini | Mar 28, 2015 | Anti-glare Coating, Uncategorized
Children’s Anti-Glare Lenses: An Untapped Market How many parents today purchase non-glare, or anti-reflective lenses for their children? If you take the time to look at kids actually wearing glasses, not very many. Not many teenagers are wearing non-glare...
by Marlene Giardini | Mar 21, 2015 | ABO/NCLE exam prep, Optician Training, The Optical Industry, Uncategorized
Optician Certification can Take Two Paths You can enroll in a college or you can learn on the job. College programs for opticians are usually two year Associates degrees that are usually offered at Community Colleges or Technical Schools. They can also be part of a...
by Marlene Giardini | Mar 14, 2015 | ABO test content, ABO/NCLE exam prep, Optician Training, The Optical Industry, Tips and Hints
How Crucial are Dispensing Skills for the Optician? Consider the following question that just might be on your ABO test: Under which circumstance is a patient more likely to tolerate glasses that are made incorrectly? When the myope is given more minus power When the...
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